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Improving NASA's Multiscale Modeling Framework for Tropical Cyclone Climate Study


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One of the current challenges in tropical cyclone (TC) research is how to improve our understanding of TC interannual variability and the impact of climate change on TCs. Recent advances in global modeling, visualization, and supercomputing technologies at NASA show potential for such studies. In this article, the authors discuss recent scalability improvement to the multiscale modeling framework (MMF) that makes it feasible to perform long-term TC-resolving simulations. The MMF consists of the finite-volume general circulation model (fvGCM), supplemented by a copy of the Goddard cumulus ensemble model (GCE) at each of the fvGCM grid points, giving 13,104 GCE copies. The original fvGCM implementation has a 1D data decomposition; the revised MMF implementation retains the 1D decomposition for most of the code, but uses a 2D decomposition for the massive copies of GCEs. Because the vast majority of computation time in the MMF is spent computing the GCEs, this approach can achieve excellent speedup without incurring the cost of modifying the entire code. Intelligent process mapping allows differing numbers of processes to be assigned to each domain for load balancing. The revised parallel implementation shows highly promising scalability, obtaining a nearly 80-fold speedup by increasing the number of cores from 30 to 3,335.
机译:热带气旋(TC)研究当前面临的挑战之一是如何增进我们对TC年际变化和气候变化对TCs影响的了解。 NASA在全球建模,可视化和超级计算技术方面的最新进展表明了此类研究的潜力。在本文中,作者讨论了对多尺度建模框架(MMF)的最新可伸缩性改进,这使得执行长期的TC解析模拟变得可行。 MMF由有限体积的一般循环模型(fvGCM)组成,并在每个fvGCM网格点处补充了Goddard积云系综模型(GCE)的副本,从而得到13,104个GCE副本。原始的fvGCM实现具有一维数据分解;修订后的MMF实现对大多数代码保留了1D分解,但对GCE的大量副本使用了2D分解。因为MMF中的绝大多数计算时间都花在了GCE的计算上,所以这种方法可以实现出色的加速,而不会产生修改整个代码的成本。智能进程映射允许将不同数量的进程分配给每个域以进行负载平衡。修改后的并行实现显示了极有希望的可扩展性,通过将内核数从30增加到3,335获得了近80倍的加速。



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