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Fundamentals of image data mining: analysis, features, classification and retrieval


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Data mining is "the science of extracting useful knowledge from huge data repositories" [1]. Extending this definition, it can be concluded that image data mining is the science of extracting valuable knowledge from large volumes of images. The process of mining image data is theoretically simple. The first step is to extract features or properties from the source image, for example, water, trees, airplanes, clouds, cars, and so on. The second step is to use these features to classify the image within some class (also known as image classification) or to search in a database for similar images (better known as image retrieval). Image data mining is used in various fields: military reconnaissance, weather forecasting, agriculture, and even medicine, where medical images can be used in disease diagnoses. This book presents the latest developments in the field of image data mining and is divided into four parts: "Preliminaries" (three chapters), "Image Representation and Feature Extraction" (three chapters), "Image Classification and Annotation" (four chapters), and "Image Retrieval and Presentation" (three chapters).
机译:数据挖掘是“从巨大的数据存储库提取有用知识的科学”[1]。扩展这个定义,可以得出结论,图像数据挖掘是从大量图像中提取有价值知识的科学。挖掘图像数据的过程理论上是简单的。第一步是从源图像中提取特征或属性,例如水,树木,飞机,云,汽车等。第二步是使用这些特征来对某些类内的图像(也称为图像分类)分类或搜索类似图像的数据库(更好称为图像检索)。图像数据挖掘用于各种领域:军事侦察,天气预报,农业甚至医学,医学图像可用于疾病诊断。本书介绍了图像数据挖掘领域的最新发展,分为四个部分:“预先”(三章),“图像表示和特征提取”(三章),“图像分类和注释”(四章) ,以及“图像检索和演示”(三章)。



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