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Lattice domes reliability by the perturbation-based approaches vs. semi- analytical method


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An efficiency of the perturbation-based approaches in comparison with semi-analytical symbolic derivation of the probabilistic moments and coefficients has been verified in this work. Truncated equivalents for the classical linearized and iterative perturbation-based schemes have been created to enable considering of random variable probability density function upper and lower bounds in stochastic perturbation scheme. Higher order Taylor expansions have been used also in the derivation of probabilistic characteristics to analyze probabilistic convergence of the perturbation schemes for non-polynomial structural responses. These computations have been completed using the Finite Element Method on the example of the structural state variables of axisymmetric spherical steel skeletal dome structures. Four basic different types (ribbed, Schwedler, geodesic as well as diamatic) have been compared here in the context of time-independent reliability assessment in the presence of uncertainty in the structural steel Young modulus. Truncated iterative stochastic perturbation technique (TISPT) has turned out to be the most sufficient approach giving a global gain in the accuracy of the results with perturbation order increase, which is remarkably slower for higher probabilistic characteristics. The most appropriate results have been provided by using the same Taylor expansion of a given response function substituted into the subsequent probabilistic moments formulas. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:与概率矩和系数的半解析符号推导相比,基于摄动的方法的效率已得到验证。已经创建了经典线性化和基于迭代扰动方案的截断等效项,以考虑随机扰动方案中随机变量概率密度函数的上限和下限。高阶泰勒展开式也已用于概率特征推导中,以分析非多项式结构响应的摄动方案的概率收敛。这些计算已使用有限元方法以轴对称球形钢骨架拱顶结构的结构状态变量为例完成。在结构钢杨氏模量存在不确定性的情况下,在与时间无关的可靠性评估的背景下,对四种基本的不同类型(肋状,Schwedler型,测地线以及径向)进行了比较。事实证明,截断迭代随机扰动技术(TISPT)是最有效的方法,它随着扰动阶数的增加而使结果的准确性得到全局提高,对于更高的概率特征,这种方法明显较慢。通过使用给定响应函数的相同泰勒展开式替换为随后的概率矩公式,可以提供最合适的结果。 (C)2019 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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