首页> 外文期刊>Computers & Industrial Engineering >Scheduling multiple, resource-constrained, iterative, product development projects with genetic algorithms

Scheduling multiple, resource-constrained, iterative, product development projects with genetic algorithms


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Many product development (PD) projects rely on a common pool of scarce resources. In addition to resource constraints, there are precedence constraints among activities within each project. Beyond the feed-forward dependencies among activities, in PD projects it is common for feedback dependencies to exist that can result in activity rework or iteration. In such a multi-project, resource-constrained, iterative environment, this paper proposes two new genetic algorithm (GA) approaches for scheduling project activities. The objective is to minimize the overall duration of the portfolio of PD projects. These proposed GAs are tested on sample scheduling problems with and without stochastic feedback. We show that these algorithms provide quick convergence to a globally optimal solution. Furthermore, we conducted a comparative analysis of the proposed GAs with 31 published priority rules (PRs), using test problems generated to the specifications of project, activity, and resource-related characteristics such as network density (complexity), resource distribution, resource contention, and rework probability (amount of iteration). The GAs performed better than the PRs as each of these factors increased. We close the paper by providing managers with a decision matrix showing when it is best to use the published PRs and when it is best to use the GAs. Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP);Resource-Constrained Multi-Project;Scheduling
机译:许多产品开发(PD)项目依赖于稀缺资源的共同资源。除了资源限制外,每个项目中活动之间还存在优先级限制。除了活动之间的前馈依赖关系外,在PD项目中,普遍存在反馈依赖关系,这可能导致活动重做或迭代。在这种多项目,资源受限的迭代环境中,本文提出了两种用于计划项目活动的新遗传算法(GA)方法。目的是使PD项目组合的总体工期最小化。这些拟议的遗传算法在有随机反馈和无随机反馈的情况下针对样本调度问题进行了测试。我们表明,这些算法可快速收敛到全局最优解决方案。此外,我们使用针对项目,活动和资源相关特征(例如网络密度(复杂性),资源分布,资源争​​用)的规范生成的测试问题,对拟议的GA与31个已发布的优先级规则(PR)进行了比较分析。 ,以及返工概率(迭代量)。随着这些因素的增加,GA的表现要好于PR。通过为管理人员提供一个决策矩阵来结束本文,该矩阵显示何时最好使用已发布的PR,何时最好使用GA。资源受限的项目计划问题;资源受限的多项目;计划



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