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M&a Market Puts It To Task


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Mergers and acquisitions traditionally involve intricate planning over several months or even years, but the current economic climate has meant that this tradition has been dispensed with by many in recent weeks. The M&A market is now very different. Companies are having to be swiftly rescued from collapse to preserve businesses and safeguard jobs. There are numerous examples, but the one that probably springs to most people's mind is HBOS and Lloyds TSB. Financial services is not the only sector to have been impacted. Retailers are also suffering; Woolworths was the first major victim of being unable to find a buyer in time. In a fluctuating climate, well-established due diligence processes are being sidelined and the result is that internal process such as IT are left in a state of chaos as they scramble to integrate disparate systems in a matter of weeks, where it would normally take months. This begs the question: are these companies setting themselves up for a fall? Although speed is crucial, it is essential that businesses drive efficiencies from their M&A activity. Consumers are not concerned if you have only just merged, they expect a business as usual approach - if you cannot give them what they want, then they will go elsewhere.
机译:传统上,并购涉及数月甚至数年的复杂计划,但是当前的经济形势意味着最近几周许多人已经放弃了这一传统。并购市场现在非常不同。为了挽救业务和维护工作,公司必须迅速从破产中解救出来。例子很多,但是可能引起大多数人关注的例子是HBOS和Lloyds TSB。金融服务并不是唯一受到影响的部门。零售商也受苦; Woolworths是无法及时找到买家的第一个主要受害者。在动荡的气候中,行之有效的尽职调查过程被搁置一边,结果是诸如IT之类的内部过程陷入混乱状态,因为它们争先恐后地整合不同的系统大约需要数周的时间,而这通常需要几个月的时间。 。这就引出了一个问题:这些公司是否准备倒下?尽管速度至关重要,但企业提高并购活动的效率至关重要。消费者不必担心您是否刚刚合并,他们希望采用照常营业的方式-如果您不能给他们想要的东西,那么他们会去其他地方。



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