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Comments on ISO 14102: the standard for CASE-tool evaluation

机译:关于ISO 14102的评论:CASE工具评估的标准

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In this paper, we comment on the ISO standard for evaluation and selection of CASE-tools (ISO 14102), focusing on the important task of establishing a relevant set of requirements for any specific use of the standard. We review the literature related to CASE-tool evaluation and illuminate our findings by comparing CASE-tool requirements developed for a company with the suggested set of characteristics in the standard. We identify two weaknesses in the standard. Firstly, we note a lack of method support for evaluation framework development. Secondly, we note a number of weaknesses in the way decision frameworks are treated. The paper concludes with recommendations for improvement, as submitted to ITS/AG7.
机译:在本文中,我们对用于评估和选择CASE工具的ISO标准(ISO 14102)进行评论,重点关注为该标准的任何特定用途建立一组相关要求的重要任务。我们回顾了与CASE工具评估有关的文献,并通过将为公司开发的CASE工具需求与标准中建议的特征集进行比较来阐明我们的发现。我们确定了标准中的两个弱点。首先,我们注意到评估框架开发缺乏方法支持。其次,我们注意到决策框架的处理方式存在许多缺陷。本文最后提出了改进建议,已提交给ITS / AG7。



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