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Printing digital images sure is a lot easier than it used to be—just bring your media card to the local photo store or upload your images to an online photo service. Sometimes, though, nothing less than instant gratification will do, especially if you have just a handful of images to print. You may not save a ton of money, given the price of ink and photo paper, but the latest batch of snapshot printers produces sharp, colorful prints in the time it takes to sit through a commercial break on television. Two of the four snapshot printers we looked at are dye-sublimation printers, which use a thermal transfer process; the other two were inkjets. Both the dye subs relied on three colors, at which serious shutter-bugs would turn up their noses, but these are snapshot printers that don't print larger than 4x6 and are not intended for gallery-quality prints. (If you want to print 8xl0s, take a look at two new desktop printers in the sidebar "Print Pros" and some older but still great models in "Oldies but Goodies." For a peek at what's coming, see "What's Developing." Also, see the Web Buyer section on p. 150 for info on where to buy printer ink.).
机译:确保打印数字图像比以前要容易得多-只需将媒体卡带到本地照片商店或将图像上传到在线照片服务即可。有时候,尽管如此,即时满足感无济于事,尤其是当您只需要打印少量图像时。考虑到墨水和照片纸的价格,您可能不会省下一大笔钱,但是最新一批的快照打印机会在电视上出现商业中断时产生清晰,彩色的打印件。我们看到的四台快照打印机中有两台是热升华打印机,它们使用热转印过程。另外两个是喷墨打印机。两种染料都依赖于三种颜色,在这种颜色下,严重的百叶窗虫会抬起鼻子,但这是快照打印机,其打印尺寸不超过4x6,也不适合用于画廊品质的打印。 (如果要打印8xl0,请在侧栏中的“ Print Pros”中查看两台新的台式机打印机,在“ Oldies but Goodies”中查看一些较旧但仍不错的型号。要了解即将发生的情况,请参阅“正在开发什么”。另外,有关在何处购买打印机墨水的信息,请参见第150页上的“网络购买者”部分。



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