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On the usability of transport protocols other than TCP: A home gateway and internet path traversal study


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Network APIs are moving towards protocol agility, where applications express their needs but not a static protocol binding, and it is up to the layer below the API to choose a suitable protocol. The IETF Transport Services (TAPS) Working Group is standardizing a protocol-independent transport API and offering guidance to implementers. Apple's recent "Network.framework" is specifically designed to allow such late and dynamic binding of protocols. When the network stack autonomously chooses and configures a protocol, it must first test which protocols are locally available and which work end-to-end ("protocol racing"). For this, it is important to know the set of available options, and which protocols should be tried first Does it make sense to offer unchecked payload delivery, as with UDP-Lite? Is a UDP-based protocol like QUIC always a better choice, or should native SCTP be tried? This paper develops answers to such questions via (i) a NAT study in a local testbed, (H) bidirectional Internet tests, (Hi) a large scale Internet measurement campaign. The examined protocols are: SCTP, DCCP, UDP-Lite, UDP with a zero checksum and three different UDP encapsulations.
机译:网络API正在转向协议敏捷,其中应用程序表达了它们的需求,而不是静态协议绑定,并且它由API下面的图层选择合适的协议。 IETF传输服务(TAPS)工作组正在标准化协议无关的运输API并向实施者提供指导。 Apple最近的“Network.Framework”专门设计用于允许协议的迟到和动态的绑定。当网络堆栈自动选择和配置协议时,它必须首先测试本地可用的协议以及哪些工作结束(“协议赛车”)。为此,重要的是要了解可用选项集,以及应首先尝试哪些协议,以便提供未经检查的有效载荷传递,以及与UDP-Lite一起提供?是一种基于UDP的协议,如Quic总是一个更好的选择,或者应该尝试本地SCTP吗?本文通过(i)在当地测试用平台(H)双向互联网测试(H)的大规模互联网测量运动中的NAT研究来开发此类问题的答案。检查的协议是:SCTP,DCCP,UDP-Lite,UDP,具有零校验和和三种不同的UDP封装。



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