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One August day in 79 AD, Gaius Julius Polybius, a mover and shaker in Roman society, met his match when Mount Vesuvius erupted, heaping eight to ten feet of volcanic ash, cinder, and rock onto his spacious villa, obliterating it and the rest of the resort city of Pompeii. The Polybius house, and the town, lay silent for nearly 2000 years, until they were unearthed in recent centuries. Because Pompeii came to such a sudden end, it serves as a sort of time capsule that tells us much about the daily lives of the ancient Romans. Not only paintings and statues, but loaves of bread and household pets were preserved by the volcanic conditions that visited the town-eerie reminders of how quickly everyday life can come to an end. It was this idea of showing how things stood direcdy before the eruption that spurred researchers at the University of Tokyo and the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei in charge of the site to create a virtual reconstruction of a Pompeiian house, and to allow visitors to "tour" the dwelling. Julius Polybius's house was chosen in part because it had been physically reconstructed inaccurately, mostly with an eye toward preserving it from atmospheric decay. By merging not only survey data from the site, but journal entries and sketches made at the time the house was excavated in the 1960s and 70s, researchers hoped to convey a more accurate idea of how the villa would have looked immediately before the volcano blew.
机译:公元79年8月的一天,维苏威火山爆发时,罗马社会的先驱者盖乌斯·朱利叶斯·波利比乌斯(Gaius Julius Polybius)遇见了他的对手,将八至十英尺的火山灰,煤渣和岩石堆在他宽敞的别墅上,其余的全部被抹掉了。的旅游胜地庞贝。波利比乌斯的房子和小镇在近2000年的时间里一直保持沉默,直到最近几个世纪才出土。由于庞贝城突然结束,它充当了一种时间胶囊的作用,向我们全面介绍了古罗马人的日常生活。火山的状况不仅保护了绘画和雕像,而且还保存了许多面包和家庭宠物,这些令人不安的小镇风光使人们想起了日常生活有多快结束。正是这种想法表明了在喷发之前事物是如何残酷的,这激发了东京大学和庞培建筑博物馆的负责人负责该场创建虚拟庞培建筑的重建,并允许游客“游览”住宅。选择朱利叶斯·波利比乌斯(Julius Polybius)的房屋的部分原因是,该房屋的物理构造不准确,主要是为了保护其免受大气腐蚀。通过不仅合并现场的调查数据,而且合并1960年代和70年代房屋被挖掘时的日记条目和草图,研究人员希望传达出一个更准确的想法,即在火山爆发前别墅的外观。



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