首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications >Using visualization to maintain large computer systems

Using visualization to maintain large computer systems


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The Year 2000 software conversion effort dramatically illustrates how time consuming and costly maintaining large computer systems can become, especially when each system consists of millions of lines of source code. Understanding how a system's components interact is a key factor in implementing portfolio-wide changes, adding new features, and providing ongoing system maintenance. Any help that software developers can get in making existing software systems easier to understand improves developer productivity, enhances software quality, and reduces development cycles, all leading to faster time to market. The paper discusses the Visual Insights code viewer, a visualization application developed specifically to address the problem of working with large amounts of source code. Used within the Lucent Technologies 5ESS Switch development environment, the code viewer has resulted in increased software developer productivity. In addition, a systems integrator currently uses this tool to help understand and correct the Year 2000 date references in customer software.
机译:2000年的软件转换工作极大地说明了大型计算机系统如何变得既费时又昂贵的维护,尤其是当每个系统都包含数百万行源代码时。了解系统组件之间的交互方式是实施整个投资组合范围的更改,添加新功能并提供持续系统维护的关键因素。软件开发人员在使现有软件系统更易于理解方面所获得的任何帮助都可以提高开发人员的生产率,提高软件质量并缩短开发周期,所有这些都可以缩短上市时间。本文讨论了Visual Insights代码查看器,这是一种可视化应用程序,专门开发用于解决使用大量源代码的问题。在Lucent Technologies 5ESS Switch开发环境中使用的代码查看器提高了软件开发人员的生产率。此外,系统集成商当前使用此工具来帮助理解和更正客户软件中的2000年日期参考。



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