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c-Through: Part-time Optics in Data Centers


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Data-intensive applications that operate on large volumes of data have motivated a fresh look at the design of data center networks. The first wave of proposals focused on designing pure packet-switched networks that provide full bisection bandwidth. However, these proposals significantly increase network complexity in terms of the number of links and switches required and the restricted rules to wire them up. On the other hand, optical circuit switching technology holds a very large bandwidth advantage over packet switching technology. This fact motivates us to explore how optical circuit switching technology could benefit a data center network. In particular, we propose a hybrid packet and circuit switched data center network architecture (or HyPaC for short) which augments the traditional hierarchy of packet switches with a high speed, low complexity, rack-to-rack optical circuit-switched network to supply high bandwidth to applications. We discuss the fundamental requirements of this hybrid architecture and their design options. To demonstrate the potential benefits of the hybrid architecture, we have built a prototype system called c-Through. c-Through represents a design point where the responsibility for traffic demand estimation and traffic demultiplexing resides in end hosts, making it compatible with existing packet switches. Our emulation experiments show that the hybrid architecture can provide large benefits to unmodified popular data center applications at a modest scale. Furthermore, our experimental experience provides useful insights on the applicability of the hybrid architecture across a range of deployment scenarios.
机译:在海量数据上运行的数据密集型应用激发了人们对数据中心网络设计的全新印象。第一波建议集中在设计提供完整的二分带宽的纯分组交换网络上。但是,这些建议在所需的链路和交换机数量以及将它们连接起来的受限规则方面显着增加了网络复杂性。另一方面,与分组交换技术相比,光电路交换技术具有非常大的带宽优势。这一事实促使我们探索光电路交换技术如何使数据中心网络受益。特别是,我们提出了一种混合式分组和电路交换数据中心网络体系结构(简称HyPaC),它以高速,低复杂度的机架到机架式光电路交换网络扩展了分组交换机的传统层次结构,以提供高可靠性。应用程序的带宽。我们讨论了这种混合体系结构的基本要求及其设计选项。为了演示混合体系结构的潜在好处,我们构建了一个名为c-Through的原型系统。 c-Through代表一个设计点,其中流量需求估计和流量多路分解的责任在于终端主机,从而使其与现有的数据包交换机兼容。我们的仿真实验表明,混合体系结构可以以适度的规模为未经修改的流行数据中心应用程序提供巨大的好处。此外,我们的实验经验提供了关于混合架构在各种部署方案中的适用性的有用见解。



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