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Dude, Where's My Card? RFID Positioning That Works with Multipath and Non-Line of Sight


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RFIDs are emerging as a vital component of the Internet of Things. In 2012, billions of RFIDs have been deployed to locate equipment, track drugs, tag retail goods, etc. Current RFID systems, however, can only identify whether a tagged object is within radio range (which could be up to tens of meters), but cannot pinpoint its exact location. Past proposals for addressing this limitation rely on a line-of-sight model and hence perform poorly when faced with multipath effects or non-line-of-sight, which are typical in real-world deployments. This paper introduces the first fine-grained RFID positioning system that is robust to multipath and non-line-of-sight scenarios. Unlike past work, which considers multipath as detrimental, our design exploits multipath to accurately locate RFIDs. The intuition underlying our design is that nearby RFIDs experience a similar multipath environment (e.g., reflectors in the environment) and thus exhibit similar multipath profiles. We capture and extract these multipath profiles by using a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) created via antenna motion. We then adapt dynamic time warping (DTW) techniques to pinpoint a tag's location. We built a prototype of our design using USRP software radios. Results from a deployment of 200 commercial RFIDs in our university library demonstrate that the new design can locate misplaced books with a median accuracy of 11 cm.
机译:RFID正在成为物联网的重要组成部分。 2012年,数十亿个RFID已被部署用于定位设备,追踪药品,标记零售商品等。但是,当前的RFID系统只能识别被标记的对象是否在无线电范围内(可能长达数十米),但无法确定其确切位置。过去用于解决此限制的建议依赖于视线模型,因此,在面对多路径效应或非视线效果时(在现实环境中通常会出现这种情况),其效果会很差。本文介绍了第一个细粒度的RFID定位系统,该系统对多路径和非视线场景具有鲁棒性。与以往认为多径是有害的工作不同,我们的设计利用多径来精确定位RFID。我们设计的直觉是附近的RFID会经历类似的多径环境(例如环境中的反射器),因此呈现出类似的多径轮廓。我们使用通过天线运动创建的合成孔径雷达(SAR)捕获并提取这些多径剖面。然后,我们采用动态时间规整(DTW)技术来精确定位标签的位置。我们使用USRP软件无线电构建了设计原型。在我们的大学图书馆中部署了200种商业RFID的结果表明,新设计可以定位错误放置的书籍,其中位精度为11厘米。



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