
Quo vadis Open-IX?


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The recently launched initiative by the Open-IX Association (OIX) to establish the European-style Internet exchange Point (IXP) model in the US suggests an intriguing strategy to tackle a problem that some Internet stakeholders in the US consider to be detrimental to their business; i.e., a lack of diversity in available peering opportunities. We examine in this paper the cast of Internet stakeholders that are bound to play a critical role in determining the fate of this Open-IX effort. These include the large content and cloud providers, CDNs, Tier-1 ISPs, the well-established and some of the newer commercial datacenter and colocation companies, and the largest IXPs in Europe. In particular, we comment on these different parties' current attitudes with respect to public and private peering and discuss some of the economic arguments that will ultimately determine whether or not the currently pursued strategy by OIX will succeed in achieving the main OIX-articulated goal - a more level playing field for private and public peering in the US such that the actual demand and supply for the different peering opportunities will be reflected in the cost structure.
机译:Open-IX协会(OIX)最近发起的在美国建立欧式Internet交换点(IXP)模型的倡议提出了一种有趣的策略,可以解决美国一些互联网利益相关方认为不利于他们的问题。商业;即在可用的对等机会中缺乏多样性。我们在本文中研究了在确定Open-IX努力的命运方面必将发挥关键作用的互联网利益相关者群体。其中包括大型内容和云提供商,CDN,一级Tier ISP,成熟的和一些较新的商业数据中心和托管公司,以及欧洲最大的IXP。特别是,我们评论了这些不同方当前在公共和私人对等方面的态度,并讨论了一些经济论点,这些论点最终将决定OIX当前所推行的战略是否能够成功实现OIX阐明的主要目标-在美国为私人和公共对等互连提供了一个更公平的竞争环境,以便在成本结构中反映出不同对等互连机会的实际需求和供应。



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