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Use ECP, not ECC, for Hard Failures in Resistive Memories


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As leakage and other charge storage limitations begin to impair the scalability of DRAM, non-volatile resistive memories are being developed as a potential replacement. Unfortunately, current error-correction techniques are poorly suited to this emerging class of memory technologies. Unlike DRAM, PCM and other resistive memories have wear lifetimes, measured in writes, that are sufficiently short to make cell failures common during a system's lifetime. However, resistive memories are much less susceptible to transient faults than DRAM. The Hamming-based ECC codes used in DRAM are designed to handle transient faults with no effective lifetime limits, but ECC codes applied to resistive memories would wear out faster than the cells they are designed to repair. This paper proposes Error-Correcting Pointers (ECP), a new approach to error correction optimized for memories in which errors are the result of permanent cell failures that occur, and are immediately detectable, at write time. ECP corrects errors by permanently encoding the locations of failed cells into a table and assigning cells to replace them. ECP provides longer lifetimes than previously proposed solutions with equivalent overhead. Furthermore, as the variance in cell lifetimes increases - a likely consequence of further process scaling - ECP's margin of improvement over existing schemes also increases.
机译:随着泄漏和其他电荷存储限制开始损害DRAM的可扩展性,正在开发非易失性电阻式存储器作为潜在的替代品。不幸的是,当前的纠错技术不太适合这种新兴的存储技术。与DRAM不同,PCM和其他电阻式存储器的磨损寿命(以写操作衡量)足够短,以至于在系统寿命期间无法发生单元故障。但是,与DRAM相比,电阻性存储器更不容易受到瞬态故障的影响。 DRAM中使用的基于Hamming的ECC代码旨在处理没有有效寿命限制的瞬态故障,但是应用于电阻性存储器的ECC代码的磨损速度要比其设计要修复的单元快。本文提出了纠错指针(Error-Correcting Pointer,ECP),这是一种针对存储器进行了优化的新的纠错方法,其中的错误是由于永久性单元故障而导致的,这些故障在写入时会立即发生并可以立即被检测到。 ECP通过将故障单元的位置永久编码到表中并分配单元来替换它们来纠正错误。与以前提出的解决方案相比,与等价的开销相比,ECP的使用寿命更长。此外,随着电池寿命的变化增加-可能进一步扩大工艺规模-与现有方案相比,ECP的改进余地也增加了。



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