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Bayesian modeling of continuously marked spatial point patterns


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Many analyses of continuously marked spatial point patterns assume that the density of points, with differing marks, is identical. However, as noted in the seminal paper of Goulard et al. (Scand J Stat 23:365–379, 1996), such an assumption is not realistic in many situations. For example, a stand of forest may have many more small trees than large, hence the model should allow for a higher density of points with small marks. In addition, as suggested by Ogata and Tanemura (Biometrics 41:421–433, 1985), the interaction between points should be a function of their mark, allowing, for example, the range of interaction for large trees to exceed that of smaller trees. The aforementioned articles use frequentist inferential techniques, but interval estimation presents difficulties due to the extremely complex distributional properties of the estimates; it might be possible, however, to use parametric bootstrap methodology for such inferences (Baddeley et al. in J Roy Stat Soc Ser B 67:617–666, 2005). We suggest the use of Bayesian inferential techniques. Although a Bayesian approach requires a complex, computational implementation of (reversible jump) Markov Chain Monte Carlo methodology, it enables a wide variety of inferences (including interval estimation). We demonstrate our approach by analyzing the well known Norway spruce dataset.
机译:对连续标记的空间点模式进行的许多分析都假定具有不同标记的点的密度是相同的。但是,正如Goulard等人的开创性论文所述。 (Scan J J Stat 23:365-379,1996),这样的假设在许多情况下是不现实的。例如,林分中的小乔木可能比大乔木多得多,因此该模型应允许更高密度的带有小标记的点。另外,正如绪方和田村提出的那样(生物统计41:421-433,1985),点之间的相互作用应该是其标记的函数,例如,允许大树的相互作用范围超过小树的相互作用范围。 。前面提到的文章使用频繁推断技术,但是由于估计的分布特性极其复杂,因此区间估计带来了困难。但是,可能可以使用参数自举方法进行此类推论(Baddeley等人,J Roy Stat Soc Ser B 67:617-666,2005)。我们建议使用贝叶斯推理技术。尽管贝叶斯方法需要(可逆跃迁)马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛方法的复杂计算实现,但它可以进行多种推断(包括区间估计)。我们通过分析著名的挪威云杉数据集来证明我们的方法。



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