首页> 外文期刊>Computational Mechanics >On the application of the Arlequin method to the coupling of particle and continuum models

On the application of the Arlequin method to the coupling of particle and continuum models


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In this work, we propose to extend the Arlequin framework to couple particle and continuum models. Three different coupling strategies are investigated based on the L 2 norm, H 1 seminorm, and H 1 norm. The mathematical properties of the method are studied for a one-dimensional model of harmonic springs, with varying coefficients, coupled with a linear elastic bar, whose modulus is determined by simple homogenization. It is shown that the method is well-posed for the H 1 seminorm and H 1 norm coupling terms, for both the continuous and discrete formulations. In the case of L 2 coupling, it cannot be shown that the Babuška–Brezzi condition holds for the continuous formulation. Numerical examples are presented for the model problem that illustrate the approximation properties of the different coupling terms and the effect of mesh size.
机译:在这项工作中,我们建议扩展Arlequin框架以耦合粒子模型和连续模型。基于L 2 范数,H 1 半范数和H 1 范数研究了三种不同的耦合策略。研究了该系数的一维模型的数学特性,该模型具有可变系数的谐波弹簧和线性弹性杆,该弹性杆的模量由简单的均质化确定。结果表明,对于连续和离散形式的H 1 半范数和H 1 范数耦合项,该方法都适用。在L 2 耦合的情况下,不能证明连续公式的Babuška–Brezzi条件成立。给出了模型问题的数值示例,这些示例说明了不同耦合项的近似特性以及网格尺寸的影响。



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