首页> 外文期刊>Composites >Internal damage evaluation of composite structures using phased array ultrasonic technique: Impact damage assessment in CFRP and 3D printed reinforced composites

Internal damage evaluation of composite structures using phased array ultrasonic technique: Impact damage assessment in CFRP and 3D printed reinforced composites


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The application of non-destructive techniques for the evaluation of internal damage in composite materials is a challenge due to their complexity. The aim of this study is to analyse the ability of ultrasonic technique to identify and evaluate manufacturing defects and internal damage in composite laminates. Artificial object inclusions of different shapes, sizes and materials were embedded in carbon fibre reinforced epoxy (CFRP) laminates. Comprehensive investigation of non-destructive evaluation using phased array ultrasonic testing to trace and characterize the embedded defects is presented. Phased array ultrasonic technique was able to precisely locate most of the artificial inclusion in the composite laminates. Nerveless, the shape and size of the inclusions were not accurately determined due to the high signal attenuation and distortion characteristics of the carbon fibre epoxy composite.Furthermore, a major concern affecting the efficient use of composite laminates is their vulnerability to low velocity impact damage. The dynamic behaviour of composite laminates is very complex as there are many concurrent phenomena during composite laminate failure under impact loading. Thus, the practicality of the previous results is demonstrated by the evaluation of impacted carbon fibre reinforced epoxy laminates using ultrasonic testing. The influence of laminate thickness and impact energy on impact damage is also investigated. The performance of phased array ultrasonic testing for the inspection of composite laminates with barely visible impact damage is evaluated. In addition, fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composites are becoming more significant in industrial applications due to their excellent mechanical performance and potential recycling. In this study, impact damage in 3D printed continuous glass fibre reinforced thermoplastic laminates is also analysed. Phased array ultrasonic testing is performed and the amount of damage is quantified in terms of delaminated area.



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