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Raising Eurasia: Race, Class, and Age in French and British Colonies


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Sexual relationships between European men and indigenous women producednracially mixed offspring in all of Europe’s empires. Recent interdisciplinarynscholarship has shown how these persons of mixed race, seen as transgressingnthe interior frontiers of supposedly fixed categories of racial and juridical differ-nence upon which colonizers’ prestige and authority rested, posed a challenge tonthe elaborate but fragile sets of subjective criteria by which “whiteness” wasndefined. Scholars critiquing the traditional historiography of empire for its ten-ndency to present colonial elites as homogeneous communities pursuingncommon interests have emphasized the repertoire of exclusionary tactics, con-nstructed along lines of race, class, and gender, devised within European colo-nnial communities in response to the presence of “mixed bloods.”n1nThisnarticle aims to show that the presence of people of biracial heritage inspired col-nlaborative as well as exclusionary responses in outposts of European empirenduring the late imperial era. It also illustrates how, with white prestige and auth-nority at stake, age, age-related subcategories, and in particular childhood andnadolescence, powerfully underpinned responses to the threat this groupnposed to the cultural reproduction of racialized identity.
机译:欧洲男性与土著女性之间的性关系在整个欧洲帝国中产生了种族混合的后代。最近的跨学科奖学金显示了这些混血儿如何被视为超越定居者的声誉和权威所基于的固定种族和司法差异类别的内部边界,这对复杂而脆弱的主观标准集提出了挑战,“白度”。学者们对帝国的传统史进行了批判,以将殖民地精英们表现为追求共同利益的同质社区,以此来强调帝国的十大倾向。他们强调了排他性的策略,这些策略是根据种族,阶级和性别构造的,是在欧洲的欧洲社区中设计的。 n1nThisnarticle的目的是表明,在欧洲帝国统治晚期的欧洲前哨基地,混血儿的存在激发了合作与排斥反应。它也说明了在白人声望和真实性,年龄,与年龄有关的子类别,尤其是儿童期和青春期受到威胁的情况下,如何有力地支持对这一群体对种族身份认同文化再现的威胁的回应。



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