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Literary criticism and interactive advertising: Bakhtinian perspective on interactivity


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This article examines interactivity using the concept of dialogic relationships introduced by Russian philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin and the concept of transtextuality, proposed by French literary theorist Gerard Genette. These concepts help to reveal two parallel strata of interactivity: the stratum of interactivity between the viewer and the message and the stratum of interactivity that exists inside the message and its surrounding. It concludes that interactivity can be conceived as a relation and that the message is a co-creation. The study contributes to the theory of interactivity, which challenges the existing - and rather limited - advertising theories and offers an alternative Bakhtinian perspective on the phenomenon of interactivity.
机译:本文使用俄罗斯哲学家米哈伊尔·巴赫金(Mikhail Bakhtin)提出的对话关系概念和法国文学理论家杰拉德·吉内特(Gerard Genette)提出的跨文本性概念来研究互动性。这些概念有助于揭示两个平行的交互性层次:查看者与消息之间的交互性层次以及消息及其周围存在的交互性层次。结论是,可以将交互性视为一种关系,并且该消息是共创的。这项研究为交互性理论做出了贡献,该理论挑战了现有的但相当有限的广告理论,并为交互现象提供了巴赫金主义的另一种观点。



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