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Exact Distributions of the Number of r-Records and the r-Record and Inter-r-Record Times


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Consider a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables with an absolutely continuous distribution function. The probability functions of the numbers K_(n,r) and N_(n,r) of r-records up to time n of the first and second type, respectively, are obtained in terms of the non central and central signless Stirling numbers of the first kind. Also, the binomial moments of K_(n,r) and N_(n,r) are expressed in terms of the non central signless Stirling numbers of the first kind. The probability functions of the times L_(k,r) and T_(k,r) of the kth r-record of the first and second type, respectively, are deduced from those of K_(n,r) and N_(n,r). A simple expression for the binomial moments of T_(k,r) is derived. Finally, the probability functions and binomial moments of the kth inter-r-record times U_(k,r) = L_(k,r) - L_(k-1,r) and W_(k,r) = T_(k,r) - T_(k-1,r) are obtained as sums of finite number of terms.
机译:考虑具有绝对连续分布函数的一系列独立且均匀分布的随机变量。分别根据非中心和中心无符号斯特林数获得分别直到第一种和第二种类型的时间n的r记录数K_(n,r)和N_(n,r)的概率函数。第一种。同样,K_(n,r)和N_(n,r)的二项式矩用第一类非中心无符号斯特林数表示。从K_(n,r)和N_(n,)分别推导出第一类和第二类第k条r记录的时间L_(k,r)和T_(k,r)的概率函数, r)。推导了T_(k,r)的二项式矩的简单表达式。最后,第k个r-记录间隔时间U_(k,r)= L_(k,r)-L_(k-1,r)和W_(k,r)= T_(k的概率函数和二项式矩,r)-T_(k-1,r)作为有限项数的和获得。



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