首页> 外文期刊>Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation >Low-energy vortex dynamics in the self-dual Chern-Simons-Higgs model

Low-energy vortex dynamics in the self-dual Chern-Simons-Higgs model


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The relativistic Chern-Simons-Higgs theory finds application in anyonic superconductivity and contains topological vortices whose dynamics are poorly understood. The gauge fields are defined by a set of nonlinear constraint equations that can be accurately solved with effective Green's functions, spectral methods, and a discretization scheme using lattice gauge techniques. Simulations show that low-energy two-vortex interactions are elastic with final scattering angles sensitive to vortex velocity; furthermore, vortex pairs form rotating breather states for certain impact parameters. In this study, a function that reproduces scattering angles in the adiabatic limit for nontangential collisions is presented. Simulation results are discussed in the context of analytical methods that extract vortex dynamics from low-energy effective Lagrangians, and a numerical method to calculate the effective Lagrangian is suggested. The numerical techniques used can be applied to the study of other Chern-Simon theories.



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