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QoS control in the 3GPP evolved packet system


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In this article we describe the QoS concept of the evolved packet system, which was standardized in 3GPP Release 8. The concept provides access network operators and service operators with a set of tools to enable service and subscriber differentiation. Such tools are becoming increasingly important as operators are moving from a single to a multi-service offering at the same time as both the number of mobile broadband subscribers and the traffic volume per subscriber is rapidly increasing. The ¿bearer¿ is a central element of the EPS QoS concept and is the level of granularity for bearer-level QoS control. The network-initiated QoS control paradigm specified in EPS is a set of signaling procedures for managing bearers and controlling their QoS assigned by the network. The EPS QoS concept is class-based, where each bearer is assigned one and only one QoS class identifier by the network. The QCI is a scalar that is used within the access network as a reference to node-specific parameters that control packet forwarding treatment. This class-based approach, together with the network-initiated QoS control paradigm, gives network operators full control over the QoS provided for its offered services for each of its subscriber groups.
机译:在本文中,我们描述了演进的分组系统的QoS概念,该概念在3GPP Release 8中进行了标准化。该概念为接入网络运营商和服务运营商提供了一组工具,以实现服务和订户的差异化。随着移动宽带用户数量和每个用户业务量的快速增长,运营商正从单一服务转变为多服务,这些工具变得越来越重要。承载是EPS QoS概念的核心元素,并且是承载级QoS控制的粒度级别。 EPS中指定的网络发起的QoS控制范例是一组信令过程,用于管理承载并控制网络分配的QoS。 EPS QoS概念是基于类别的,其中,网络为每个承载分配一个且只有一个QoS类别标识符。 QCI是一个标量,在接入网络中用作对控制包转发处理的特定于节点的参数的引用。这种基于类的方法,再加上网络发起的QoS控制范例,使网络运营商可以完全控制为其每个用户组为其服务提供的QoS。



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