首页> 外文期刊>Communications Letters, IEEE >Iterative MIMO sphere decoding throughput guarantees under realistic channel conditions

Iterative MIMO sphere decoding throughput guarantees under realistic channel conditions


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Block-based early termination has been proposed for depth-first based MIMO sphere decoders (SD) in order to provide throughput guarantees. We show in this letter that such termination incurs, even under simple tree and norm choices, significant overhead in the required number of iterations under realistic channel conditions due to the depth-first search's highly variable complexity (number of iterations to achieve a target performance). We propose the use of a constrained version of Dijkstra's metric-first search which exhibits indistinguishable performance while avoiding the impractical memory requirements of Dijkstra's search. We show that for a 4×4 64-subcarrier OFDM system, the proposed alternative achieves ~2x decrease in complexity as compared to the depth-first SD with block early termination for the same throughput guarantee.
机译:为了提供吞吐量保证,已经提出了基于块的提前终止用于基于深度优先的MIMO球解码器(SD)。我们在这封信中表明,即使在简单的树和范数选择下,由于深度优先搜索的高度可变的复杂性(达到目标性能的迭代次数),即使在简单的树和范数选择下,这种终止也会在所需的迭代次数中产生大量开销。我们建议使用Dijkstra的度量优先搜索的受约束版本,该约束版本显示出难以区分的性能,同时避免了Dijkstra搜索不切实际的内存需求。我们表明,对于4×4 64子载波OFDM系统,与具有相同吞吐量保证的块提前终止的深度优先SD相比,拟议的替代方案实现了约2倍的复杂度降低。



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