首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Communications >Digital Phase Sampling for Microcomputer Implementation of Carrier Acquisition and Coherent Tracking

Digital Phase Sampling for Microcomputer Implementation of Carrier Acquisition and Coherent Tracking


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By sampling zero crossings at the Nyquist rate (i.e., the predetection bandwidth) the phase of a narrow-band signal may be extracted directly with respect to an arbitrary, stable reference. Analysis, simulation, and experimental results are presented validating this all-digital technique for acquisition and coherent tracking of a Doppler-shifted carrier at a low carrieroise ratio and a large percentage bandwidth. The key advantage of this scheme for microcomputer-based implementation is that phase comparison is accomplished by arithmetic subtraction, without the coordinaterotation transformation which is necessary for conventionalI,Qsampling. Also, the phase-sampling process is independent of the phase error, which exists only as a numerical representation in the digital tracking algorithm. The technique is applicable to Costas suppressed-carrier tracking and to BPSK bit synchronization and demodulation, by programming the appropriate digital algorithms.
机译:通过以奈奎斯特速率(即,预检测带宽)对零交叉进行采样,可以相对于任意的,稳定的参考直接提取窄带信号的相位。提出了分析,仿真和实验结果,验证了这种全数字技术在低载波/噪声比和大带宽百分比下的多普勒频移载波的捕获和相干跟踪。该方案在基于微机的实现中的主要优势在于,相位比较是通过算术减法完成的,而无需进行常规 I Q 采样所必需的坐标旋转变换。而且,相位采样过程与相位误差无关,相位误差仅作为数字表示存在于数字跟踪算法中。通过编程适当的数字算法,该技术适用于Costas抑制载波跟踪以及BPSK位同步和解调。



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