首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Communications >Achieving Full Frequency and Space Diversity in Wireless Systems via BICM, OFDM, STBC, and Viterbi Decoding

Achieving Full Frequency and Space Diversity in Wireless Systems via BICM, OFDM, STBC, and Viterbi Decoding


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Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is known as an efficient technique to combat frequency-selective channels. In this paper, we show that the combination of bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) and OFDM achieves the full frequency diversity offered by a frequency-selective channel with any kind of power delay profile (PDP), conditioned on the minimum Hamming distance dfree of the convolutional code. This system has a simple Viterbi decoder with a modified metric. We then show that by combining such a system with space-time block coding (STBC), one can achieve the full space and frequency diversity of a frequency-selective channel with N transmit and M receive antennas. BICM-STBC-OFDM achieves the maximum diversity order of NML over L-tap frequency-selective channels regardless of the PDP of the channel. This latter system also has a simple Viterbi decoder with a properly modified metric. We verify our analytical results via simulations, including channels employed in the IEEE 802.11 standards
机译:正交频分复用(OFDM)被称为对抗频率选择信道的有效技术。在本文中,我们表明,比特交织编码调制(BICM)和OFDM的组合实现了由频率选择信道提供的全部频率分集,该信道具有任何类型的功率延迟曲线(PDP),且条件是最小汉明距离dfree卷积代码。该系统具有一个简单的维特比解码器,该解码器具有改进的度量。然后,我们表明,通过将这种系统与空时分组编码(STBC)结合使用,可以实现带有N个发射天线和M个接收天线的选频信道的全部空间和频率分集。不管信道的PDP如何,BICM-STBC-OFDM都能在L抽头频率选择信道上实现NML的最大分集阶数。后一个系统还具有一个简单的维特比解码器,带有经过适当修改的度量。我们通过仿真验证了我们的分析结果,包括IEEE 802.11标准中采用的通道



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