
A Media Ecology Review


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Ultimately, we can turn to books such as Albert Einstein's Relativity, the Special and the General Theory (1954), and Werner Heisenberg's Physics and Philosophy (1958) to understand the physical universe as a medium. Such a course would be entirely in keeping with Postman and Weingartner's discussion of the "Sapir-Whorf-Korzybski-Ames-Einstein-Heisenberg-Wittgenstein-McLuhan-Et Al. Hypothesis" (p. 101), which could be updated to include Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time (1998). Einstein's physics is as much about relationships, and therefore the process of mediation, as Martin Buber's philosophy, as expressed in I and Thou (1970), for example. Farrell (2000) discusses in detail how Buber contributed to Walter Ong's own understanding of media ecology, and it is therefore not surprising to find Ong (2002b) explaining the relationship between these macro and micro level relationships: Knowledge of the relationships between the microcosm (the human being) and the macrocosm (the universe), which has for ages been a major concern of philosophy at least in the West, has grown circumstantially as never before. These relationships have become urgent, consciously or subconsciously, so that they are now discussed not only in scientific literature but also through the popular media. The result has been enforcement of a general sense of cosmic holism more detailed and intense than ever before imaginable. Earlier thought had maximized distinctions; ecological thinking maximizes connections, relationships. The ecological state of mind was rooted initially in biology, but when we speak of our age as the "ecological age" we are referring to its attention to interconnections that are far more generalized than simply biological connections. We live in an age of countless conspicuous interconnections.
机译:最终,我们可以参考诸如爱因斯坦的相对论,特殊和通论(1954)和维尔纳·海森堡(Werner Heisenberg)的《物理与哲学》(1958)之类的书来理解物理宇宙作为媒介。这样的过程完全符合Postman和Weingartner关于“ Sapir-Whorf-Korzybski-Ames-Einstein-Heisenberg-Wittgenstein-McLuhan-Et Al。假说”的讨论(第101页),该讨论可以更新为包括Stephen霍金的《时间简史》(1998年)。爱因斯坦的物理学与关系以及调解过程一样,正如马丁·布伯的哲学一样,例如在《我和周》(1970)中所表达的。 Farrell(2000)详细讨论了Buber如何促进Walter Ong对媒体生态学的理解,因此,发现Ong(2002b)解释这些宏观和微观关系之间的关系也就不足为奇了:了解微观世界之间的关系(至少在西方,多年来一直是哲学的主要关注点的人类和人类的宇宙一直在空前发展。这些关系已经变得有意识地或潜意识地变得紧急,因此,不仅在科学文献中,而且在大众媒体中都对它们进行了讨论。结果是,对宇宙整体主义的一般意识的实施比以前想象的更加详尽和强烈。早期的思想使区别最大化。生态思维使联系和关系最大化。生态心态最初起源于生物学,但是当我们把我们的时代称为“生态时代”时,我们指的是其对互连的关注,这种互连远比简单的生物学连接更为普遍。我们生活在一个无数引人注目的互连时代。



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