首页> 外文期刊>Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy >The Rush to Develop Space: The Role of Spacefaring Nations in Forging Environmental Standards for the Use of Celestial Bodies for Governmental and Private Interests

The Rush to Develop Space: The Role of Spacefaring Nations in Forging Environmental Standards for the Use of Celestial Bodies for Governmental and Private Interests


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In this comment, Ms. Greene Apking explores the current developments in space exploration that highlight the urgency of adopting international environmental standards to protect the space environment. In investigating this topic, the author examines already existing treaties that might provide a framework for future international agreements on space, including current space law treaties and the Antarctic Treaty. The author also summarizes the Report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, which examines the national space legislation regimes of nine countries; current international "soft law" which is relevant to the discussion; and certain regulations enacted by the United States government. Examined together, the author uses these varied sources to provide a discussion of the variety of useful methods for already regulating the use of space—which are each alone not sufficient to protect the space environment. In concluding her comment, Ms. Greene Apking argues that a binding international agreement must be drafted in order to adequately protect the space environment before further, more extensive exploration and use of it causes permanent harm.
机译:Greene Apking女士在这篇评论中探讨了太空探索的当前发展,这些发展突显了采用国际环境标准来保护太空环境的紧迫性。在调查这一主题时,作者研究了可能为将来的国际空间协定(包括当前的空间法条约和《南极条约》)提供框架的现有条约。作者还总结了和平利用外层空间委员会的报告,该报告审查了九个国家的国家空间立法制度;与讨论有关的现行国际“软法”;以及美国政府制定的某些法规。经过共同审查,作者使用了这些不同的资料来讨论已经用于调节空间使用的各种有用方法,但每种方法都不足以保护空间环境。格林·阿普金女士在总结意见时指出,必须起草具有约束力的国际协定,以便在进一步,更广泛的探索和使用造成永久性损害之前充分保护空间环境。



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