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Object-based detection of Arctic sea ice and melt ponds using high spatial resolution aerial photographs


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High resolution aerial photographs used to detect and classify sea ice features can provide accurate physical parameters to refine, validate, and improve climate models. However, manually delineating sea ice and melt ponds is time-consuming and labor-intensive. In this study, an object-based classification algorithm is developed to automatically extract sea ice and melt ponds efficiently from 163 aerial photographs taken during the Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in summer 2010 (CHINARE 2010) in the Arctic Pacific Sector. The photographs are selected from 599 cloud-free photographs based on their image quality and representativeness in the marginal ice zone (MIZ). The algorithm includes three major steps: (1) the image segmentation groups the neighboring pixels into objects according to the similarity of spectral and textural information; (2) the random forest ensemble classifier distinguishes four general classes: water, general submerged ice (GSI, including melt ponds and submerged ice along ice edges), shadow, and ice/snow; and (3) the polygon neighbor analysis further separates melt ponds and submerged ice from the GSI according to their spatial relationships. The overall classification accuracy for the four general classes is 95.5% based on 178 ground reference objects. Furthermore, the producer's accuracy of 90.8% and user's accuracy of 91.8% are achieved for melt pond detection through 98 independent reference objects. For the 163 photos examined, a total of 19,438 melt ponds larger than 1 m(2) are detected, with a pond density of 867.2 km(-2), mean pond size of 32.6 +/- 0.03 m(2), and mean pond fraction of 0.06 +/- 0.006; a total of 42,468 ice floes are detected, with the mean floe size of 173.3 +/- 0.1 m(2) (majority in 1-30 m(2)) and mean ice concentration of 46.1 +/- 0.5% (ranging from 18.6-98.6%). These results matched well with ship-based visual observations in the MIZ in the same area and time. The method presented in the paper can be applied to data sets of high spatial resolution Arctic sea ice photographs for deriving detailed sea ice concentration, floe size, and melt pond distributions over wider regions, and extracting sea ice physical parameters and their corresponding changes between years. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:用于检测和分类海冰特征的高分辨率航空照片可以提供准确的物理参数,以完善,验证和改善气候模型。但是,手动划定海冰和融化池既费时又费力。在这项研究中,开发了一种基于对象的分类算法,以从2010年夏季中国国家北极研究考察队(CHINARE 2010)在北极太平洋地区拍摄的163张航空照片中自动有效地提取海冰和融化的池塘。根据其图像质量和边缘冰区(MIZ)中的代表性,从599张无云照片中选择了这些照片。该算法包括三个主要步骤:(1)图像分割根据光谱和纹理信息的相似性将相邻像素分为对象。 (2)随机森林集合分类器将水分为一般类别:水,普通淹没冰(GSI,包括融化的池塘和沿冰边缘的淹没冰),阴影和冰雪。 (3)多边形邻域分析进一步根据其空间关系从GSI中分离出融化池和淹没的冰。根据178个地面参考物,四个一般类别的总体分类准确度为95.5%。此外,通过98个独立的参考对象进行熔池检测,可以达到生产者的90.8%的准确度和用户的91.8%的准确度。对于检查的163张照片,总共检测到19,438个大于1 m(2)的熔池,池密度为867.2 km(-2),平均池大小为32.6 +/- 0.03 m(2),平均池塘分数为0.06 +/- 0.006;总共检测到42468个浮冰,平均浮冰大小为173.3 +/- 0.1 m(2)(多数为1-30 m(2)),平均冰浓度为46.1 +/- 0.5%(范围为18.6) -98.6%)。这些结果与在相同区域和时间在MIZ中基于舰船的视觉观察非常吻合。本文提出的方法可用于高分辨率的北极海冰照片数据集,以得出更详细的海冰浓度,絮凝物大小和熔池分布在更广阔的区域,并提取海冰物理参数及其年际变化。 。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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