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Evaluation of video-based linear depth inversion performance and applications using altimeters and hydrographic surveys in a wide range of environmental conditions


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The performance of a linear depth inversion algorithm, cBathy, applied to coastal video imagery was assessed using observations of water depth from vessel-based hydrographic surveys and in-situ altimeters for a wide range of wave conditions (0.3 significant wave height 4.3 m) on a sandy Atlantic Ocean beach near Duck, North Carolina. Comparisons of video-based cBathy bathymetry with surveyed bathymetry were similar to previous studies (root mean square error (RMSE) = 0.75 m, bias = -0.26 m). However, the cross-shore locations of the surfzone sandbar in video-derived bathymetry were biased onshore 18-40 m relative to the survey when offshore wave heights exceeded 1.2 m or were greater than half of the bar crest depth, and broke over the sandbar. The onshore bias was 3-4 m when wave heights were less than 0.8 m and were not breaking over the sandbar. Comparisons of video-derived seafloor elevations with in-situ altimeter data at three locations onshore of, near, and offshore of the surfzone sandbar over similar to 1 year provide the first assessment of the cBathy technique over a wide range of wave conditions. In the outer surf zone, video-derived results were consistent with long-term patterns of bathymetric change (r(2) = 0.64, RMSE = 0.26 m, bias = -0.01 m), particularly when wave heights were less than 1.2 m (r(2) = 0.83). However, during storms when wave heights exceeded 3 m, video-based cBathy over-estimated the depth by up to 2 m. Near the sandbar, the sign of depth errors depended on the location relative to wave breaking, with video-based depths overestimated (underestimated) offshore (onshore) of wave breaking in the surfzone. Wave speeds estimated by video-based cBathy at the initiation of wave breaking often were twice the speeds predicted by linear theory, and up to three times faster than linear theory during storms. Estimated wave speeds were half as fast as linear theory predictions at the termination of wave breaking shoreward of the sandbar. These results suggest that video-based cBathy should not be used to track the migration of the surfzone sandbar using data when waves are breaking over the bar nor to quantify morphological evolution during storms. However, these results show that during low energy conditions, cBathy estimates could be used to quantify seasonal patterns of seafloor evolution.
机译:线性深度反演算法cBathy应用于海岸视频影像的性能,是通过基于船只的水文勘测和现场高度计在各种波浪条件(0.3 <显着的波浪高度<4.3 m )在北卡罗来纳州达克附近的大西洋沙滩上。基于视频的cBathy测深与调查的测深的比较与以前的研究相似(均方根误差(RMSE)= 0.75 m,偏差= -0.26 m)。但是,当离岸波高超过1.2 m或大于坝顶深度的一半并在沙洲上破裂时,基于视频的测深法中的冲浪区沙洲的跨岸位置相对于调查偏向18-40 m。 。当波浪高度小于0.8 m且未突破沙洲时,陆上偏差为3-4 m。通过视频对海底高程进行的比较,以及在大约一年的时间里,在冲浪区沙洲的陆上,附近和海上三个位置上的原位高度计数据,对cBathy技术在各种波浪条件下进行了首次评估。在外海浪区,视频得出的结果与测深变化的长期模式一致(r(2)= 0.64,RMSE = 0.26 m,偏差= -0.01 m),尤其是当波高小于1.2 m时( r(2)= 0.83)。但是,在风暴中,当波高超过3 m时,基于视频的cBathy高估了深度达2 m。在沙洲附近,深度误差的迹象取决于与破波有关的位置,基于视频的深度在海浪区的破波(岸上)离岸(陆上)过高(过低)。基于视频的cBathy在破波开始时估计的波速通常是线性理论预测的速度的两倍,在风暴期间比线性理论预测的速度快三倍。在波浪向沙洲海岸终止时,估计的波速是线性理论预测值的一半。这些结果表明,基于视频的cBathy不应用于在波浪越过条形沙洲时使用数据跟踪海浪沙洲的迁移,也不能用于量化风暴期间的形态演变。但是,这些结果表明,在低能条件下,cBathy估计值可用于量化海底演变的季节性模式。



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