首页> 外文期刊>Clothing and Textiles Research Journal >Fashioned Bodies in Roller Derby League Logos: Critical Analysis of Race, Gender, Body Size and Position, Clothing, and Aesthetics

Fashioned Bodies in Roller Derby League Logos: Critical Analysis of Race, Gender, Body Size and Position, Clothing, and Aesthetics


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Revival of roller derby in the early 2000s garnered significant interest in the sport, and an extensive network of leagues began to form. By 2018, approximately 1,500 leagues were operating in North America, each with a unique logo. In this study, we focus on the league logos as a potent form of embodied fashion representation. Using content analysis, we examined all of the logos for U.S. Women’s Flat Track Derby Association–member leagues and have interpreted our findings through a critical cultural analysis. Revival of roller derby in the aughts has repositioned the sport as inclusive of diverse bodies; however, the logos tell a different story. League logos perpetuate hyperfeminized, thin-centric, white bodies—that is, the norms that derby athletes are performatively challenging through participation in the sport.
机译:2000年代初期的罗勒德比复兴在这项运动中获得了重大兴趣,并且广泛的联盟网络开始形成。 到2018年,大约1,500个联赛在北美运营,每个联盟都有一个独特的徽标。 在这项研究中,我们专注于联盟标志作为所体现的时尚代表的有力形式。 使用内容分析,我们审查了美国妇女平板赛德比协会会员联盟的所有标志,并通过关键的文化分析解释了我们的研究结果。 在Aughts中的滚轮德比复兴已经重新定位了这项运动,包括各种各样的机构; 但是,徽标讲述了一个不同的故事。 联盟徽标延续过度血化,以薄的中心,白人体验 - 也就是说,德比运动员通过参与这项运动的规范是表现性的。



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