首页> 外文期刊>Cliometrica >Fiscal policy response to cycles under two regimes: Spain 1950–1998

Fiscal policy response to cycles under two regimes: Spain 1950–1998


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In the second half of the 20th century, Spain provides a case of political regime change, which according to some political economy models should also lead to a shift in the cyclical nature of fiscal policy. We find that in most of the pre-democratic era, there was a strong procyclical bias to fiscal policy. Eradication began in the last years of the autocratic regime under the influence of fiscal institutional reform and perhaps learning. It was completed after the transition to democracy when countercyclical fiscal policy was reinforced in the late 1980s by membership of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. This experience, established by two separate econometric identification procedures, as well as a narrative drawing especially upon OECD and EIU reports, runs counter to the predictions of the political economy models of Lane (J Public Econ 87(12):2661–2675, 2003) and Alesina et al. (J Eur Econ Assoc 5:1006–1036, 2008).
机译:在20世纪下半叶,西班牙提供了一个政权更替的案例,根据某些政治经济学模型,这也应导致财政政策周期性的转变。我们发现,在前民主时代的大部分时间里,对财政政策存在强烈的顺周期偏见。在财政体制改革甚至是学习的影响下,铲除工作始于专制政权的最后几年。它是在向民主过渡后完成的,1980年代后期,由于欧洲汇率机制的加入,反周期财政政策得到了加强。这种经验是通过两个单独的计量经济学鉴定程序以及叙述(特别是根据OECD和EIU报告得出的)建立的,与Lane的政治经济学模型的预测背道而驰(J Public Econ 87(12):2661-2675,2003 )和Alesina等人。 (J Eur Econ Assoc 5:1006-1036,2008)。



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