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Development of a multisystemic parent management training intervention for incarcerated parents, their children and families


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The majority of men and women prison inmates are parents. Many lived with children prior to incarceration, and most have at least some contact with their children and families while serving their sentences. Because prison populations have increased in the United States, there has been a renewed interest in finding ways not only to reduce recidivism, but also to prevent incarceration in the first place, particularly among the children of incarcerated parents. Positive family interaction is related to both issues. The ongoing development of a multisystemic intervention designed to increase positive family interaction for parents and families involved in the criminal justice system is described. The intervention package currently includes a prison-based parent management training program called Parenting Inside Out (PIO); a prison-based therapeutic visitation program; and complementary versions of PIO designed for jail and probation and parole settings. Work on other components designed for justice-involved parents, children and for caregivers during reunification from prison is ongoing. Program development has occurred within the context of strong support from the State department of corrections and other key governmental and non-profit sector groups, and support systems have been established to help maintain the interventions as well as to develop complementary interventions, policies and procedures.
机译:监狱中大多数男女囚犯都是父母。许多人在被监禁之前与孩子一起生活,大多数人在服刑期间与他们的孩子和家人至少有一些接触。由于美国的监狱人口增加,因此人们开始重新寻找不仅可以减少累犯的方法,而且还可以首先预防监禁的方法,尤其是在被监禁的父母的子女中。积极的家庭互动与这两个问题有关。描述了旨在增加父母和参与刑事司法系统的家庭的积极家庭互动的多系统干预措施的持续发展。该干预方案目前包括一个基于监狱的家长管理培训计划,称为“ Pothering Inside Out(PIO)”;基于监狱的治疗探视计划;以及为监狱,缓刑和假释设置而设计的PIO的补充版本。正在进行其他工作,这些工作是为卷入监狱的父母,儿童以及在监狱团聚期间为看护人设计的。在国家惩戒部门以及其他重要的政府和非营利部门团体的大力支持下,已经制定了计划,并建立了支持系统来帮助维持干预措施并制定补充性干预措施,政策和程序。



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