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Welcome back to the Jungle?


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The trusting walked to the killing beds only to be knocked out with sledgehammer blows, hoisted in the air by one shackled foot, and then stabbed in the jugular. The pigs and cows wailed, but the so human-like protests fell on deaf ears as they bled to death, perhaps watching the men, who despite their best efforts, waded through the half-inch of blood that never drained. The players in Upton Sinclair's literary work The Jungle butchered livestock furiously in Chicago's Packingtown, where conditions defied sanitization. "There would be meat that had tumbled out on the floor in the dirt and sawdust, where the workers had tramped and spit uncounted billions of consumption germs," he wrote. Ironically, The Jungle, published in January 1906, did not bolster Sinclair's main theme: The exploitation of immigrant labor and the need for socialism. Instead, it fueled the roaring fires of public indignation stoked over such scandals as the "embalmed beef" supplied to U.S. troops in the Spanish-American War of 1898, as well as the "muckraking" exposes of journalists like Samuel Hopkins Adams on deadly patent medicines.
机译:信任者走到杀人床前,只好用大锤击倒,用sha铐的脚吊在空中,然后刺入颈椎。猪和牛都哭了,但如此人性化的抗议在他们流血致死时充耳不闻,也许看着那些尽管尽了最大努力但仍流连忘返的半英寸鲜血的男人。厄普顿·辛克莱尔(Upton Sinclair)的文学作品《丛林》(The Jungle)中的球员在芝加哥的Packingtown疯狂地屠杀牲畜,那里的环境无视卫生。他写道:“会有一些肉在泥土和木屑中掉落在地板上,工人在那里踩踏并吐出了数以十亿计的食用细菌。”具有讽刺意味的是,1906年1月出版的《丛林》并没有支持辛克莱的主要主题:对移民劳工的剥削和对社会主义的需求。相反,它激起了公众的愤慨之火,这些丑闻引起了公众的愤慨,这些丑闻是在1898年的西班牙裔美国人战争中向美军提供的“鹰头牛肉”,以及塞缪尔·霍普金斯·亚当斯(Samuel Hopkins Adams)等记者在致命专利中的“揭穿”曝光药物。



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