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Clay mineralogy of the Tertiary onshore and offshore strata of the British Isles


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Tertiary sediments are of restricted occurrence in the onshore British Isles but occur extensively offshore, attaining thicknesses of ~4 km in the Faroe—Shetland Basin and ~3 km in the North Sea Basin. Clay mineral stratigraphic studies of the North Sea Paleocene to Lower Miocene successions show a dominance of smectite (and smectite-rich illite-smectite) with minor illite, kaolin and chlorite. Abundant smectite in the Paleocene and Eocene reflects alteration of volcanic ash derived from pyroclastic activity associated with the opening of the North Atlantic between Greenland and Europe. However, the persistence of high smectite into the Oligocene and Middle Miocene indicates that smectite-rich soils on adjacent land areas may also have been an important source of detrital clays. An upwards change to illite-dominated assemblages in the Middle Miocene reflects higher rates of erosion and detrital clay supply, with a subsequent increase in chlorite reflecting climatic cooling. The persistence of smectite-rich assemblages to depths of > 3000 m in the offshore indicates little burial-related diagenesis within the mudstone succession, possibly as a consequence of over-pressuring. Despite the importance of Paleocene and Eocene sandstones as hydrocarbon reservoirs in the North Sea and Faroe-Shetland basins, there are few published details of the authigenic clays. The principal clay cements in these sandstones are kaolin and chlorite, with only minor illite reported. The offshore successions provide a valuable background to the interpretation of the more intensively studied, but stratigraphically less complete, onshore Tertiary successions. The most extensive onshore successions occur in the London and Hampshire basins where sediments of Paleocene to earliest Oligocene age are preserved. Here clay assemblages are dominated by illite and smectite with subordinate kaolin and chlorite. The relatively large smectite content of these successions is also attributed primarily to the alteration of volcanic ash. Associated non-smectitic clays are largely detrital in origin and sourced from areas to the west, with reworking of laterites and 'china clay' deposits developed over Cornish granites. Authigenic clays include glauconite (sensu lato), early diagenetic kaolin that has replaced muscovite (principally in the London Clay Formation of the London Basin) and smectite that has replaced ash. Pedogenesis has extensively modified the assemblages in the Reading Formation and Solent Group. Tertiary sediments are largely missing from onshore northern and western Britain, but clays and sands of Eocene and Oligocene age are locally preserved in small fault-bounded basins. Here, clay assemblages are dominated by kaolin with minor illite.
机译:第三纪沉积物在陆上不列颠群岛上受到限制,但广泛分布在近海,在法罗-设得兰群岛盆地中达到〜4 km,在北海盆地中达到〜3 km。从北海古新世到下中新世演替的粘土矿物地层研究表明,绿土(以及富含绿土的伊利石-绿土)以次要伊利石,高岭土和绿泥石为主。古新世和始新世中大量的蒙脱石反映了火山灰的变化,该火山灰是由与格陵兰岛和欧洲之间的北大西洋开放相关的火山碎屑活动产生的。然而,蒙脱石在渐新世和中新世中的持续存在表明邻近土地区域富含蒙脱石的土壤也可能是碎屑粘土的重要来源。中新世中期以伊利石为主的组合的向上变化反映出较高的侵蚀率和碎屑粘土供应,随后的绿泥石增加则反映了气候变冷。富集绿土的组合物在近海的深度> 3000 m的持久性表明,在泥岩层序中几乎没有与埋葬有关的成岩作用,这可能是由于压力过大所致。尽管古新世和始新世砂岩作为北海和法罗-设得兰群岛盆地的油气藏非常重要,但很少有已发表的有关自生粘土的资料。这些砂岩中的主要粘土水泥是高岭土和绿泥石,据报道仅有少量伊利石。离岸演替为深入研究但地层不完整的陆上第三系演说提供了宝贵的背景。最广泛的陆上演替发生在伦敦和汉普郡盆地,那里保存着古新世至最早的渐新世的沉积物。在这里,粘土组合以伊利石和蒙脱石为主,下级为高岭土和绿泥石。这些系列中相对较大的蒙皂石含量也主要归因于火山灰的变化。伴生的非半黏土的起源主要是碎屑性的,其来源是西部地区,随着红土的再造和在康沃尔花岗岩上开发的“中国黏土”矿床的再造。自生粘土包括青灰石(SENSU LATO),已取代白云母的早期成岩高岭土(主要在伦敦盆地的伦敦粘土地层)和已取代灰分的蒙脱石。成岩作用已广泛地改变了雷丁组和索林组中的组合。英国北部和西部的陆上基本上没有第三纪沉积物,但是始新世和渐新世时代的粘土和沙子被局部保留在小断层界盆地中。在这里,粘土组合以高岭土和少量伊利石为主。



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