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Waste not, want not


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In April 2019, Local Partnerships - a joint HM Treasury and Local Government Association venture - published Efficiencies in Waste Services in the South East of England - its eighth regional review of efficiencies and performance improvements in waste services. The previous regional reviews focused on the West Midlands; London; the North East; Yorkshire and the Humber; the North West; the East of England; and the East Midlands. This time, we have taken a closer look at local authorities in the South East of England. At a conservative estimate - based on the authorities that took part in the review and that were able to quantify savings realised -innovation in the South East has delivered savings of more than £2i.5m per annum. Securing responses from county, district and unitary authorities, the case studies offer an overview of waste and recycling services. These identify critical areas where authorities have - or are projected to - deliver efficiencies, and include examples of lessons learned. The case studies explain why changes had to be - or are being - made to services and systems. This gives authorities an opportunity to share their experiences with others considering, or attempting, similar changes across the country. All authorities in the region were invited to contribute; a pro-forma was sent out with a request for further information. A workshop was held to provide feedback on the data and information gathered. This also gave authorities the chance to benchmark themselves, and offer additional data and information to enhance their submissions. Overall, 34 responses were received, and the diversity of case studies illustrates the range of initiatives and measures authorities are using to produce performance improvements and secure financial savings.
机译:2019年4月,英国财政部和地方政府协会联合合资企业Local Partnerships在英格兰东南部发布了《废物服务效率》,这是对废物服务效率和绩效改进的第八次区域审查。先前的区域评论主要集中在西米德兰兹郡;伦敦;东北;约克郡和亨伯;西北;英格兰东部;和东米德兰兹。这次,我们仔细研究了英格兰东南部的地方当局。保守地估计-根据参与审查的当局并能够量化实现的节省-东南部的创新每年可节省超过250万英镑。通过从县,区和统一当局获得回应,案例研究提供了废物和回收服务的概述。它们确定了主管部门已经或预计将提高效率的关键领域,并举例说明了经验教训。案例研究解释了为什么必须或正在对服务和系统进行更改。这使当局有机会与考虑或试图在全国进行类似改革的其他人分享经验。邀请该地区所有当局作出贡献;发出了备考表,要求提供更多信息。举行了一次讲习班,以提供对收集到的数据和信息的反馈。这也使当局有机会对自己进行基准测试,并提供更多数据和信息以增强他们的意见书。总体上,收到了34份答复,案例研究的多样性说明了当局用于提高绩效和确保财务节省的各种举措和措施。



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