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Frequency-locked tunable LD laser with a broad bandwidth


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Using lock-in amplifer and proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) electric circuit, the frequency of diode laser is stabilized on a highly mechanical stable Fabry-Perot (FP) cavity transmission peak. When the frequency locking system is on, the frequency tunable range of the laser is about 4 GHz around the Dl transition of Rb. The laser frequency tuning is implemented by scanning the FP cavity length. The fluctuation of frequency of the output laser is less than 1 MHz, and the drift of the center frequency is less than 1.5 MHz in 1.5 min. This system has great potential of the application in the experimental investigation of the interaction between light and atoms, especially, for the case of far off the atomic resonance.
机译:使用锁定放大器和比例,积分和微分(PID)电路,二极管激光的频率稳定在高度机械稳定的Fabry-Perot(FP)腔传输峰值上。当锁频系统打开时,激光器的频率可调范围在Rb的D1跃变附近约为4 GHz。激光频率调谐是通过扫描FP腔长度来实现的。输出激光器的频率波动在1分钟内小于1 MHz,中心频率的漂移在1.5分钟内小于1.5 MHz。该系统在光与原子之间相互作用的实验研究中具有巨大的应用潜力,特别是在原子共振较远的情况下。



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