首页> 外文期刊>Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry >Hydrothermal Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Electrochemical Properties of Complex Zn(phen)(m-CBA)_2(H_2O)

Hydrothermal Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Electrochemical Properties of Complex Zn(phen)(m-CBA)_2(H_2O)


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A novel complex Zn(phen)(m-CBA)_2(H_2O) with m-chlorobenzoic acid (m-CBA), 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) and zinc chloride has been hydrothermally synthesized and characterized. Crystal data for this complex: triclinic, space group P1, a = 0.8361(5), b = 1.2455(7), c = 1.3107(7) nm, α = 115.637(8), β = 91.014(9), γ = 104.857(8)°, V= 1.1763(11) nm~3, D_c= 1.623 g/cm~3, Z= 2, F(000) = 584, GOOF = 1.078, the final R = 0.0453 and wR = 0.1192. Structure analysis shows that the zinc ion coordinates with two nitrogen atoms of one 1,10-phenanthroline molecule, three oxygen atoms from two m-chlorobenzoic acid molecules and one water molecule, giving a distorted square-pyramidal coordination geometry. The cyclic voltametric behavior of the complex was also investigated.
机译:水热合成了新型的Zn(phen)(m-CBA)_2(H_2O)与间氯苯甲酸(m-CBA),1,10-菲咯啉(phen)和氯化锌的络合物。该复合物的晶体数据:三斜晶系,空间群P1,a = 0.8361(5),b = 1.2455(7),c = 1.3107(7)nm,α= 115.637(8),β= 91.014(9),γ= 104.857(8)°,V = 1.1763(11)nm〜3,D_c = 1.623 g / cm〜3,Z = 2,F(000)= 584,GOOF = 1.078,最终R = 0.0453和wR = 0.1192。结构分析表明,锌离子与一个1,10-菲咯啉分子中的两个氮原子,两个间氯苯甲酸分子中的三个氧原子以及一个水分子中的氮原子配位,得到了扭曲的方金字塔配位几何形状。还研究了复合物的循环伏安行为。



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