首页> 外文期刊>Chinese Geographical Science >Stability of Spatial Structure of Urban Agglomeration in China Based on Central Place Theory

Stability of Spatial Structure of Urban Agglomeration in China Based on Central Place Theory


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This paper brings forward the concept of stability of the spatial structure of urban agglomeration (UA) based on Central Place Theory by introducing centrality index and fractal theory. Before assessment, K=4 is selected as parameter to calculate centrality index and fractal dimension (K represents the quantitive relationship between city and the counties in Central Place Theory), and then found the number of nodes, the type of spatial structure, the spatial allocation of nodes with different hierarchy affecting the stability of spatial structure. According to spatial contact direction and the level of stability, UAs in China are classified into five types. Finally, it is posed as a further question that how to use hierarchical relation K=6 and K=7 in central place system to coordinate with the assessment of stability of spatial structure is brought forward.
机译:通过引入中心指数和分形理论,提出了基于中心位置理论的城市群空间结构稳定性概念。评估前,选择K = 4作为计算中心指数和分形维数的参数(K代表中心地理论中的城市与县之间的定量关系),然后找到节点数,空间结构类型,空间不同层次的节点分配影响空间结构的稳定性。根据空间接触方向和稳定性水平,中国的UAs分为五类。最后,提出了另一个问题,提出了如何在中心位置系统中使用层次关系K = 6和K = 7来协调空间结构稳定性的评估。



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