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A Preliminary Investigation of the Effectiveness of Attachment Therapy for Adopted Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder


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The purpose of this preliminary investigation was to examine the effectiveness of attachment therapy for adopted children diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). Although attachment therapy is widely utilized in the practice community, outcomes of such therapy have not been well documented. In this study a pretest–posttest one-group design was used with a sample of 24 adopted children who received attachment therapy from trained, licensed therapists. Therapy was funded by the Georgia Office of Adoptions under a contract with a non-profit adoptive parent advocacy group which provided training of therapists and direct services to families. RAD was measured with the Randolph Attachment Disorder Questionnaire (RADQ), Third Edition; functional impairment was measured with the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS). Statistically significant decreases in scores on the RADQ and CAFAS from pretests to posttests indicate improvement for the children who received therapy. In spite of methodological limitations, the current study adds to the limited knowledge about effective treatment for RAD.
机译:这项初步调查的目的是检查依恋疗法对被诊断为反应性依恋障碍(RAD)的收养儿童的有效性。尽管依恋疗法已在实践界广泛使用,但此类疗法的结果尚未得到充分记录。在这项研究中,采用了前测-后测的一组设计,对24名收养的儿童进行了抽样,这些儿童接受了训练有素的持证治疗师的依恋治疗。佐治亚州收养办公室根据与非营利性收养父母倡导小组签订的合同为该疗法提供资金,该团体提供治疗师培训并为家庭提供直接服务。 RAD用《兰道夫附着症问卷》(RADQ),第三版进行了测量;使用儿童和青少年功能评估量表(CAFAS)来测量功能障碍。从测试前到测试后RADQ和CAFAS分数的统计显着下降表明接受治疗的儿童有所改善。尽管在方法上有局限性,但本研究增加了关于RAD有效治疗的有限知识。



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