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Highlights From The 43rd Euchem Conference On Stereochemistry, Buergenstock, Switzerland, April 2008


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12 April 2008, 118 industrial and academic scientists with interests spanning the chemical sciences arrive at Hotel Fiirigen. Perched 200 m above Lake Lucerne on the northern edge of the Alps, Buergenstock has once again provided a beautiful setting for this renowned conference. Nature's interpretation of 'spring' (sunshine, rain, fog and snow) proved to be as broad as the vibrant interpretation of 'stereochemistry' drawn up by this year's president Don Hilvert (ETH Zuerich) and the organising committee of Francois Diederich (ETH Zuerich), E. Peter Kuendig (Universite de Geneve), Klaus Mueller (Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel), Philippe Renaud (Univer-sitaet Zuerich) and Jay Siegel (Universitaet Zurich). In keeping with tradition, the conference programme and list of attendees were not revealed to any of the participants, including this year's guest of honour Deiter Seebach (ETH Zuerich), until the start of the conference. This year's conference spanned organic chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, polymer chemistry and biochemistry, the highlights of which are discussed below.
机译:2008年4月12日,有118位对化学科学感兴趣的工业和学术科学家抵达了Fiirigen酒店。 Buergenstock坐落在阿尔卑斯山北部边缘的琉森湖上方200 m,再次为这次著名会议提供了美丽的环境。自然对“春天”(阳光,雨水,雾和雪)的解释被证明与今年的总统唐·希尔维特(ETH Zuerich)和弗朗索瓦·迪埃德里奇(Francois Diederich)的组织委员会(ETH Zuerich)对“立体化学”的生动解释一样广泛。 ),E。Peter Kuendig(日内瓦大学),Klaus Mueller(巴塞尔霍夫曼-拉罗什大学),Philippe Renaud(苏黎世大学)和Jay Siegel(苏黎世大学)。按照传统,直到会议开始时,才向包括今年的贵宾Deiter Seebach(ETH Zuerich)在内的任何与会者透露会议日程和与会者名单。今年的会议涵盖了有机化学,生物有机化学,聚合物化学和生物化学,下面将重点讨论它们。



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