首页> 外文期刊>Central European History >The Language of Nazi Genocide: Linguistic Violence and the Struggle of Germans of Jewish Ancestry. By Thomas Pegelow Kaplan. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2009. Pp. xv+296+Index 297–303. Cloth $80.00. ISBN 978-0-521-88866-0.

The Language of Nazi Genocide: Linguistic Violence and the Struggle of Germans of Jewish Ancestry. By Thomas Pegelow Kaplan. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2009. Pp. xv+296+Index 297–303. Cloth $80.00. ISBN 978-0-521-88866-0.

机译:纳粹大屠杀的语言:语言暴力与犹太人德国人的斗争。托马斯·佩格洛·卡普兰(Thomas Pegelow Kaplan)。纽约:剑桥大学出版社。 2009年。 xv + 296 +索引297–303。布料$ 80.00。 ISBN 978-0-521-88866-0。

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That the word Judentum was negatively construed in modern Germany is arngiven. The early studies of Jacob Toury and Jacob Katz on the emergence ofrnDie Judenfrage, Dietz Bering’s Der Name als Stigma, and Paul Lawrence Rose’srnRevolutionary Anti-Semitism from Kant to Wagner all make this point. In hisrnseminal study of Die Weltbu ¨hne, Istvan Deak commented that this phenomenonrnextended to the opponents of anti-Semitism as well: “Jewishness indeed wasrndetermined not so much by one’s enemies as by one’s friends, and it was arnsource of humiliation, for all the hypocritical assertions of the courts of thernWeimar Republic to the contrary Jew was a pejorative word” (Germany’s Left-rnWing Intellectuals, p. 25). But Thomas Pegelow Kaplan has added two importantrndimensions to this inquiry. First, he quantitatively tabulates the appearances ofrnthe terms “Jews” and “Germans” in four principal journals: Vo ¨lkischer Beobachterrn(VB), Frankfurter Zeitung (FZ), CV-Zeitung, and Ju ¨dische Rundschau (JR). Second,rnhe uses diary and memoir literature, both published and archival, to impart arnpersonal element to what had generally been a discussion of political rhetoricrnalone. Pegelow Kaplan traces the use of these terms over a twenty-yearrnperiod (1928-1948) and persuasively shows the way key categories of German-rnness and Jewishness changed over time in their frequency and in their meaning.
机译:人们已经知道,在现代德国,Judentum一词被否定了。雅各布·图里(Jacob Toury)和雅各布·卡茨(Jacob Katz)的早期研究都涉及到戴恩·朱迪弗拉格(Die Judenfrage),迪茨·贝林(Dietz Bering)的《名字》(Der Name als Stigma)和保罗·劳伦斯·罗斯(Paul Lawrence Rose)从康德到瓦格纳的革命性反犹太主义。伊斯特·迪克(Istvan Deak)在对戴维·维尔布涅(Die Weltbuhne)进行的系膜研究中指出,这一现象也扩大到了反犹太主义的反对者手中:“犹太人的确决定的不是犹太人而是朋友,犹太人的确如此,这是羞辱的全部源泉魏玛共和国法院的虚伪主张与犹太人相反,是一个贬义词”(德国左翼翼知识分子,第25页)。但是Thomas Pegelow Kaplan在此询问中增加了两个重要的方面。首先,他定量地列出了四本主要期刊中的“犹太人”和“德国人”一词的出现:Vo lkischer Beobachterrn(VB),Frankfurter Zeitung(FZ),CV-Zeitung和Ju¨discheRundschau(JR)。其次,他使用已出版和存档的日记本和回忆录文学,将对人文因素赋予通常讨论政治修辞的内容。佩格洛·卡普兰(Pegelow Kaplan)追溯了二十年间(1928-1948)这些术语的使用,并有说服力地表明了德国人和犹太人的主要类别在其频率和含义上随时间变化的方式。



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