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Cost-benefit analysis of 'Blue Carbon' sequestration by plantation of few key mangrove species at Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, India


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Climate change and global warming have a destabilizing effect on the global environment, and governmental statutory bodies are emphasizing a reduction of emission coupled with restoration of degraded forest lands as a carbon sequestration-emission reduction (REDD+) initiative. Asphyxiated mangrove soil, existing on the borderline of land and sea, has the highest potential to trap 'blue carbon'; hence, plantation programs have been initiated around the tropical coasts to restore this unique habitat. This case study provides a cost-benefit and carbon sequestration analysis for planting of five mangrove species (Avicennia marina, Bruguiera sexangula, Ceriops tagal, Rhizophora mucronata and Xylocarpus moluccensis) by various methods in a 102.4-ha area at the Indian Sundarbans. It is estimated that as per the planting methods used in the current study and physio-chemical properties of the sediment, coupled with other local factors such as anthropogenic interventions, Avicennia marina planting by the 'propagule dibbling' method is the most cost effective (0.002 Euro/survived plant), with the highest increment (97%) in organic carbon density (OCD), humic acid (100.86%) and fulvic acid (48.78%) over a period of 5 years. Survival rate was highest (82%) for Avicennia marina, planted by the 'transplanting of nursery-grown seedlings' method. The drain and trench method resulted in a 55% survival rate for Rhizophora mucronata, but the extra labor investment made this the costliest method (0.13 Euro/survived plant) and also less carbon effective (only 85% increment of OCD in 5 years). Planting methods, sediment quality, tidal inundation and salinity variations can play a major role in blue carbon burial/sequestration in mangrove lands.
机译:气候变化和全球变暖对全球环境造成破坏性影响,政府法定机构正在强调减少排放以及恢复退化的林地,这是减少碳汇-排放(REDD +)的举措。存在于陆地和海洋交界处的已窒息的红树林土壤具有最大的捕获“蓝色碳”的潜力;因此,已经在热带海岸周围启动了种植计划,以恢复这种独特的栖息地。本案例研究为印度Sundarbans的102.4公顷地区的五种红树林物种(Avicennia marina,Bruguiera sexangula,Ceriops tagal,Rhizophora mucronata和Xylocarpus moluccensis)的种植提供了成本效益和碳固存分析。据估计,根据当前研究中使用的种植方法和沉积物的理化特性,再加上其他局部因素(例如人为干预),通过“繁殖繁殖”方法种植刺槐的成本效益最高(0.002欧元/幸存的植物),在5年中有机碳密度(OCD),腐殖酸(100.86%)和黄腐酸(48.78%)的增幅最高(97%)。 Avicennia marina的成活率最高(82%),是通过“苗圃移植苗”方法种植的。排水和沟渠法使粘枝根瘤菌的成活率为55%,但是额外的劳动力投资使之成为最昂贵的方法(0.13欧元/幸存的植物),而且碳效率也较低(5年内强迫症的增加仅85%)。种植方法,沉积物质量,潮汐淹没和盐度变化可能在红树林土地的埋藏/封存蓝碳中起主要作用。



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