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The Northern Grand Union Canal


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In 1800, the turn of the century saw England facing turbulent times. Europe was in turmoil, with Bonaparte's French pursuing their takeover of the continent despite the occasional bloody nose from Nelson's fleet. In England a man called Hadfield (James, that is!) tried to assassinate King George at the Drury Lane Opera, and the first soup kitchens were introduced for the poor who were not actually engaged in building canals... The second major phase of canal building was coming to a close with the opening in 1800 of the Warwick & Napton and the Warwick & Birmingham Canals. Up until then, the journey south to London for the burgeoning industries of Birmingham and the Black Country had been long and tedious. It involved using Brindley's winding Coventry and Oxford Canals followed by transhipment to Thames barges at Oxford. The Warwick Canals, linking with the new Grand Junction Canal from Braunston to Brentford, offered a more direct route to the capital.
机译:1800年,世纪之交,英格兰面对动荡的时代。欧洲动荡不安,尽管纳尔逊舰队偶尔出现流血的鼻子,波拿巴的法国人仍继续占领该大陆。在英格兰,一个名叫哈德菲尔德(Hadfield)的人试图在杜鲁里巷歌剧院(Drury Lane Opera)暗杀乔治国王,并且为实际上没有在建运河的穷人引入了第一个汤厨房。沃里克和纳普顿以及沃里克和伯明翰运河于1800年开放,运河建筑即将关闭。直到那时,伯明翰和黑国新兴产业向南的伦敦之旅都是漫长而乏味的。它涉及使用布林德利蜿蜒的考文垂和牛津运河,然后转运到牛津的泰晤士驳船。沃里克运河(Warwick Canal)与新的大不列颠交界处的运河连接,从布劳恩斯顿到布伦特福德,提供了一条通往首都的更直接途径。



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