首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Physics >Photon-added Bell-type entangled coherent state and some nonclassical properties

Photon-added Bell-type entangled coherent state and some nonclassical properties


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We introduce a class of the photon-added Bell-type entangled coherent states (PABECSs) obtained from Bell-type entangled coherent states by applying creation operators. We investigate their entanglement characteristics by analyzing the entropy of entanglement and discuss the influence of photon excitations on quantum entanglement. It is shown that applying a creation operator can increase the amount of entanglement. We also study the statistical properties of such states by discussing the behavior of the quasi-probability functions graphically. In addition, a possible scheme is presented to produce the PABECSs by using cavity quantum electrodynamics and quantum measurements.Nous présentons une nouvelle classe d'états cohérents intriqués excités généralisés de type Bell (GEBECSs). Nous étudions les caractéristiques de leur intrication en analysant la décomposition de Schmidt et leur intrication de formation et nous investiguons les propriétés statistiques en observant graphiquement le comportement des fonctions de quasi-probabilité pour les GEBECSs.



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