
CEO Coaches


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There was a time when executives under David S. Pottruck felt less like professionals at the helm of a major brokerage than cowering children held hostage by a despotic father. Lording over the conference room, the now CO-CEO of Charles Schwab & Co. bulldozed other people's opinions and overruled their strategies. He reveled in teamwork―if he was the captain. Ideas were great, but only if they were his. Try challenging the former All-Ivy wrestling champ, and you could find yourself caught in a corporate full nelson―left with a lot of bruised feelings and a trampled ego. "I knew there was always a lot of glass being broken around me," says Pottruck, a 6-ft.-1-in., 240-lb. rock pile of a man whose voice still carries traces of his native New York. "But I thought I was a great leader. I didn't understand that there was a problem." That is, until his nadir a decade ago, when his then-boss, Chief Operating Officer Lawrence J. Stupski, took him into his office for an annual performance review. "'Man,'" Pottruck recalls Stupski saying, his normally even voice strained with anger, "'You are high-maintenance―and you are painful.'" The next part seared him even more: "'Your peers don't like working with you―and they don't trust you.'"
机译:曾经有一段时间,在大卫·S·波特拉克(David S. Pottruck)领导下的高管感到自己不像是一家主要经纪人掌控的专业人士,而是畏缩了被一个专横的父亲扣为人质的孩子。现任董事长查尔斯·施瓦布(Charles Schwab&Co.)的联合首席执行官在会议室里大呼过气,推翻了其他人的意见并推翻了他们的策略。他很喜欢团队合作-如果他是队长。想法很棒,但前提是他们是他的。尝试挑战前All-Ivy摔跤冠军,您会发现自己陷入了公司的纳尔逊状态,留下了很多挫折的感觉和被践踏的自我。 “我知道周围总是有很多玻璃碎片,” 240磅重6英尺1英寸的Pottruck说。岩石堆的人,其声音仍然带有他的故乡纽约的痕迹。 “但我以为自己是一个伟大的领袖。我不明白这是有问题的。”就是说,直到十年前的最低点,当时的时任老板,首席运营官劳伦斯·J·斯图普斯基(Lawrence J. Stupski)才把他带到办公室进行年度绩效审查。 “'男人,'”波特特拉克回忆起Stupski的话,他平时甚至发怒的声音都充满了愤怒,“'你保持很高的工作率,你很痛苦。'”下一部分更加伤了他:“'你的同伴不喜欢与您合作-他们不信任您。”



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