首页> 外文期刊>Business week >DROWNING IN DOLLARS



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For years, Shanghai mortgage broker Linda Liu happily parked most of the money she saved while living in San Diego in U. S. securities. But lately she has been hearing rumors that China will revalue the yuan, which for nine years has been pegged at 8.28 to the dollar. Some analysts figure the yuan could appreciate up to 30%. So, like many other Chinese with offshore holdings, Liu decided to bring her money back home. She sold some U. S. stocks and made a downpayment on a $160,000 apartment in Shanghai's tony Jingan district. "I'd rather have my money in property," says Liu. "Besides, if the yuan is going to be revalued at six to a dollar, you've just made money." Rational behavior, perhaps. But worrying, as well, for Beijing's financial mandarins. By rushing to swap their dollars for yuan, Chinese investors and savers are demonstrating that the mounting calls in the U. S., Europe, and Japan for Beijing to revalue its currency already are starting to influence financial markets―even though China insists it will maintain the peg. More ominously, as citizens such as Liu―as well as overseas Chinese from Taiwan to Toronto―plow those funds into mainland assets, there are fears the overvalued yuan could fuel a nasty bubble. In Shanghai, prices for luxury flats have risen 62% since 1999, to around $1,400 per square meter.
机译:多年来,上海抵押贷款经纪人刘琳达(Linda Liu)愉快地将她在圣地亚哥居住的美国证券所存的大部分钱存起来。但是最近,她一直听到谣言说中国将对人民币进行升值,九年来,人民币一直与美元挂钩,固定汇率为8.28。一些分析师认为,人民币可能升值30%。因此,与其他许多拥有离岸资产的中国人一样,刘决定将钱带回家。她卖掉了一些美国股票,并在上海Tony Jingan区的一套价值160,000美元的公寓中支付了首付款。刘说:“我宁愿把钱花在房地产上。” “此外,如果人民币要升值到六美元兑一美元,那你就赚了钱。”也许是理性的行为。但也令北京的金融官员感到担忧。通过急于将美元换成人民币,​​中国投资者和储户表明,美国,欧洲和日本对北京升值的呼吁已经开始影响金融市场,尽管中国坚称将保持钉住汇率制。 。更为不祥的是,当刘海等公民以及从台湾到多伦多的华侨将这些资金投入大陆资产时,人们担心人民币被高估会助长泡沫。在上海,自1999年以来,豪华公寓的价格上涨了62%,达到每平方米1400美元左右。



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