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Just Two Words: Plastic Chips


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It's called the seduction room. Eastman Kodak Co. uses it to woo visitors with the vivid colors that light up new-breed video screens. They're made from organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs. And in the room's side-by-side comparisons with ordinary liquid-crystal displays (LCDs), the difference is impressive: Colors are more vibrant, resolution is crisper, and the OLED screens can be viewed from farther off to the sides without visual loss. Kodak fell for OLEDs long ago. In 1979, researcher Ching Tang was looking for an inexpensive plastic solar cell to convert light into electricity. Ironically, says Willy C. Shih, president of Kodak's Display & Components Group, Tang stumbled on a polymer recipe that "did just the opposite." His plastic converted electricity into light―with unprecedented efficiency for an organic compound. Kodak has been smitten ever since.
机译:这就是诱惑室。伊士曼柯达公司(Eastman Kodak Co.)使用它以鲜艳的色彩吸引观众,这些色彩点亮了新型视频屏幕。它们由有机发光二极管或OLED制成。在房间与普通液晶显示器(LCD)的并排比较中,差异令人印象深刻:色彩更鲜艳,分辨率更清晰,并且可以从更远的地方观看OLED屏幕,而不会造成视觉损失。柯达很早就爱上了OLED。 1979年,研究人员Ching Tang在寻找一种廉价的塑料太阳能电池,将光转换为电能。具有讽刺意味的是,柯达显示器与组件事业部总裁施威(Willy C. Shih)说,唐偶然发现了一种“恰好相反”的聚合物配方。他的塑料将电能转化为光-有机化合物的效率空前。从那时起,柯达就被迷住了。



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