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After suffering through their gloomiest four-year stretch in decades, executives at Caterpillar Inc. couldn't be more upbeat than they are today. Demand for construction gear is surging, helping drive the Peoria equipment maker's sales up 34%, to $6.47 billion, in the first quarter. What's more, Cat is raising prices and ―an important harbinger in this seemingly jobless rebound―it has even hung out the "help wanted" sign. "This is a broad-based recovery," says Chief Financial Officer F. Lynn McPheeters. "Virtually every sector of the business and every area geographically is coming back." Cat is far from alone. Across a wide swath of Corporate America, optimism is breaking out again, and the shift in outlook couldn't be more dramatic. A year ago, CEOs of all stripes complained about having "no visibility" about the future of the economy and their businesses. Faced with so much uncertainty, execs shunned expansion. Instead, with the bursting of the stock market bubble, continued fears of terrorism, a spate of corporate scandals, and, finally, the war in Iraq, company honchos hunkered down to concentrate on cutting costs and hoarding cash as they hacked away at capital-spending budgets and payrolls.
机译:卡特彼勒公司的高管在经历了数十年来最沮丧的四年后,再没有比今天更加乐观的了。对建筑设备的需求激增,促使Peoria设备制造商的销售额在第一季度增长了34%,达到64.7亿美元。更重要的是,卡特(Cat)正在提高价格,“在看似失业的反弹中,这是一个重要的预兆”,它甚至挂出了“帮助通缉”的标志。首席财务官F. Lynn McPheeters说:“这是基础广泛的复苏。” “实际上,业务的每个部门和地理上的每个区域都将回来。”猫远非孤单。在美国公司的广泛领域中,乐观情绪又一次爆发了,前景的变化再剧烈不过了。一年前,各行各业的首席执行官抱怨称,对经济及其业务的未来“无能为力”。面对如此多的不确定性,高管们回避了扩张。相反,随着股市泡沫的破裂,对恐怖主义的持续恐惧,一系列企业丑闻,以及最终在伊拉克战争中,公司大佬们纷纷将精力集中在削减成本和cash积现金上,因为他们砍掉了资本,支出预算和工资单。



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