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A Philanthropist Of the Old School


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Billionaire Ruth E. Lilly has a small frame, small hands, and a small, whispery voice when she talks. But she talks to almost no one. On the rare occasions when Lilly, 88, and the lone heiress to the Eli Lilly pharmaceutical fortune, leaves her home in Indianapolis' plush North Side, friends say if s often for a drive around town with her nurses. She likes to pass by the dozens of projects she supports. Before she was confined to a wheelchair, she once stopped in at the Ruth Lilly Health Education Center. Receptionist Louise David recalls that the organization's president "was so flustered" to see Lilly there. Flustered, but lucky. Most of Lilly's beneficiaries have never laid eyes on her. In November, 2002, Lilly established herself as the first lady of verse―and thrust herself unintentionally into the media spotlight―when she pledged Eli Lilly & Co. stock, estimated then to be worth $100 million, to Poetry, a small Chicago-based magazine that previously had an endowment of only $200,000 and through which she has given an annual poetry prize since 1986. She followed that with a second gift, valued then at $120 million, to Washington (D.C.)-based advocacy group Americans for the Arts, and a $150 million gift to her family's legacy, the Lilly Endowment Inc., which owns 13% of Eli Lilly, according to Bloomberg Financial Markets. This came on top of the $175 million that Lilly's lawyer, Thomas Ewbank, says she has given to Indiana social and cultural institutions over the past two decades. And when she dies, Lilly will leave hundreds of millions of dollars to the Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation.
机译:亿万富翁露丝·E·莉莉(Ruth E. Lilly)说话时身材小巧,手掌轻巧,语调细腻。但是她几乎没有人说话。在极少数情况下,88岁的礼来(Lilly)和礼来制药公司的独居女继承人离开家在印第安纳波利斯(Indianapolis)长毛绒的North Side上,朋友们说是否经常和她的护士一起在镇上开车。她喜欢通过自己支持的数十个项目。在她被限制坐在轮椅上之前,她曾经在露丝·莉莉健康教育中心停下来。接待员路易丝·戴维(Louise David)回忆说,该组织的总裁“非常着急”以看到礼来公司。心慌,但很幸运。礼来公司的大多数受益者从未对她视线。 2002年11月,礼来将自己确立为诗歌的第一夫人-并无意间使自己成为了媒体关注的焦点-当她将礼来公司(Eli Lilly&Co.)的股票(当时估计价值1亿美元)抵押给了芝加哥的Poetry时这本杂志以前只有20万美元的捐赠,并且自1986年以来一直通过该杂志颁发年度诗歌奖。此后,她又向总部设在华盛顿特区的美国艺术倡导组织Americans for Art捐赠了价值1.2亿美元的第二份礼物,据彭博金融市场(Bloomberg Financial Markets)称,该公司还向礼来公司捐赠了1.5亿美元,礼来公司拥有礼来公司13%的股份,礼来公司拥有礼来13%的股份。这是礼来的律师托马斯·埃班克(Thomas Ewbank)表示,在过去的二十年中,她已向印第安纳州的社会和文化机构捐款1.75亿美元。当她去世时,莉莉将把数亿美元留给露丝·莉莉慈善基金会。



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