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The Way to a Google Office

机译:通往Google Office的方式

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One day in the not-too-distant future you sit down at your keyboard to check your messages from Google's Gmail, then fire up Google Word to write a couple of letters. Next you work on a presentation on new business locations in Google Point, incorporating maps from Google Maps and satellite imagery from Google Earth. A world in which software from Google has replaced much of today's Microsoft hegemony seems far-fetched. But advances in technology and the hints dropped by the very secretive Google suggest that it could become a reality a few years down the road.
机译:在不远的将来的某一天,您会坐在键盘旁检查来自Google Gmail的邮件,然后启动Google Word写几封信。接下来,您将在Google Point的新营业地点上进行演示,并结合Google Maps的地图和Google Earth的卫星图像。 Google的软件已经取代了当今微软霸主地位的世界似乎牵强。但是技术的进步以及隐秘的Google的暗示暗示,它可能在几年后成为现实。



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